Test Management Blog

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 8: Projects and Project Suites

March 26, 2018
We’ve already come across the basic concepts of the Project Suite and the Project. Remember that one Project Suite is the container for multiple Projects. Beyond this though we find a few further levels in this hierarchy. A project can then contain multiple test cases. A a test case can have one or more test steps.   In the image below we see the top level project suite called ‘CalcProject Suite’. Under the ‘CalcProject Suite’ we find 4 projects.   CalcAPI, CalcDesktop, CalcMobile and CalcWeb are all projects contained within the single project suite. Then we can take the ‘CalcDesktop’ project and we can see that this project contains two test cases (Test1 and Test2).  Drilling further down we could...

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 7: Creating Key Word Tests

March 19, 2018
Finally we get to the point where we can start looking at the creation of automated tests with Keyword Testing in TestComplete. We’ve looked at some of the key components like Managing Projects, Options and Settings. We’ve also seen how Objects, Properties and Methods are critical to the tests you write. All of these components and concepts are part of the foundation you need in order to start creating automated test cases. You have that foundation now. From here on in it’s all about creating tests.     You may or may not have figured out that you have two ways to create automated tests in TestComplete. Scripted (e.g. Python, VB, Java Script, etc) or Keyword graphical drag and drop....

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 6: Objects, Properties and Methods

March 15, 2018
We covered Options and Settings in the last module (Module 5). Whilst there are probably over 100 options and settings we’ve focused on the most important ones you’ll need to know about as you start out with TestComplete. Probably a bit of a tall ask to remember all of the settings we covered there. However, if you just get a feel for the key settings and project properties it’ll make your life easier as you progress with implementing TestComplete. What you will need to grasp in detail though is an understanding of Objects, their properties and their methods. And it’s Objects, Properties and Methods we’re going to take you through below.     If you don’t grasp the concepts of...

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 5: Options and Settings

February 1, 2018
We made our way through Module 4 which covered the fundamentals of managing projects. Now we move on to look at some of the important options and settings you’ll find in TestComplete. When it comes to options and settings in TestComplete there are 4 distinct areas you need to know about. These areas are:   Options: [Click ‘Tools -> Options’ in the TestComplete menu bar] the settings that configure how TestComplete works and operates. These are like global settings that affect your general usage of TestComplete. They are independent of projects so that the options you select will apply regardless of the project that is open.   Project Properties: [double click the ‘Project’ node in the Explorer then select the...

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 4: Managing Projects

November 29, 2017
In the last module, Module 3, we looked at the TestComplete user interface. In this module we’re going to look in detail at how TestComplete manages projects and projects suites. In TestComplete there is a hierachy of items that you’ll create and work with as you implement your automation project. That hierarchy starts at the top with the ‘Project Suite’.   The Project Suite is just a container for 1 or more projects. Each project being a distinct group of test items that go together to make up a particular test automation effort. For example you might have an application to test that has, desktop, mobile and web client applications. It may also have a server component that’s accessed via an...

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 3: The User Interface

October 9, 2017
In module 2 we looked at creating our first key word automated test project. In that module we touched on a number of key areas of the user interface like the Project Workspace and the Object Browser. Each of those key areas giving us the ability to develop our tests and examine the applications we’re testing. In this module we’re looking at some other key aspects of the user interface. Key components that you’ll find yourself using on a regular basis to help you develop, debug and run your automated tests.     In the next few paragraphs we’ll go through some of the most useful components within the user interface.     First up then the view menu. In...

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 2: Creating Our First Test

September 6, 2017
  In module 1 of this Fast Start TestComplete course we’ve looked at the TestComplete development environment. You might not necessarily understand what everything does but you should be familiar with these core components: Project Workspace – where you develop your automated tests Object Browser – where you can examine the application you’re testing And within each of those components you should understand what these sub components are for: Project Workspace     - Project Explorer: shows the artifacts created for your automation project - Workspace: where you create and modify those different artifacts Object Browser - Object List: hierarchy of objects (processes, windows & browsers) on your system - Properties: a list of characteristics relating to a specific object...

Fast Start TestComplete – Module 1: Getting Started

July 16, 2017
If you’re looking to learn TestComplete fast then this is the place to start. We’ve pulled together 12 fast start training modules teaching you all you need to know when you start out with TestComplete. Everything you need to become productive in the shortest time possible. Each module comprises of one short video along with a list of key learning point and concepts. All this designed to get you productive with TestComplete in the shortest time possible. The quicker you become familiar with TestComplete the quicker you’ll be writing and running effective automated tests. Over the course of 12 modules we’ll cover the following topics: Module 1 – Getting Started Key Components Module 2 – Creating our first test Module...

Module 6 – Using Source Code Control to Manage Our Test Artifacts

May 15, 2016
Module 6 – Using Source Code Control to Manage Our Test Artifacts In this final module we’re looking how we can best control all of our test resources and files. We’ve created Selenium, SoapUI and JMeter tests. The files for all of these tests are now scattered all over our distributed test automation environment. Not great for colloaboration, maintaining versions and backups. Down right dangerous really. What we need to do is pull all of our files together into one central repostiory. Well, with the tool we’re using, Git, it’s more a central distributed repostiory. ‘Central distributed repository’ sounds like a bit of a contradiction. We’ll explain that contradiction as we go through this. Anyway, we’ll be running up an...

Module 5 – Running Our Performance Tests with JMeter

May 9, 2016
In this Moudule we’re focusing on running our performance and load tests. We’ll create some simple scripts in JMeter and link the execution of these scripts into our build process with Jenkins. Once our Selenium functional tests and our SoapUI REST API tests are complete we’ll kick off these JMeter tests. The setup of this will cover these topics: 1. Install JMeter 2. Configure and Create Performance Tests 3. Add and Configure Jenkins Performance Plugin 4. Deploy and Run all our test jobs   To keep things simple we’ll use JMeter to test the performance using the Rocket Chat Rest Api. This will allow us to focus on the key concept of building the automation framework rather than getting to...