Month: January 2023

Integrating TestComplete with Azure DevOps – Pipeline Configuration

January 28, 2023
This is last part in our three part series on Integrating TestComplete with Azure DevOps. We've completed the preparation steps  and we're now ready to build that first pipeline. To get this integration working we need to configure a pipeline then. And that pipeline we'll configure as we go through these steps.. 1. Select the Pipeline menu option 2. Create a New pipeline with the Yaml or Classic editor 3. Configure the following “tasks" for the pipeline Get SourcesSelect the repository and branch that holds your TestComplete code Configure Get Sources for TestComplete Azure DevOps Integration Agent JobDefine the automation job that will run on the agent and select the agent pool Configure the Azure DevOps Agent steps for TestComplete...

Integrating TestComplete with Azure DevOps – The Preparation Steps

January 18, 2023
In the first part to this three part series we looked at what an Integrated TestComplete Azure DevOps setup  looked like. We set the context in that blog post so that we're ready to look what we need to configure and prepare to get this integration working. We take you through the following 4 preparation steps: Creating your ADO Git Repository  Binding TestComplete to ADO  Linking your tests between TestComplete and ADO  Setting up your agent machine So this first step walks you through setting up a Git repository in your Azure DevOps project and show you how to commit your TestComplete project/code to this repository. We need our TestComplete code in our Azure Git repo as we'll build our...

Integrating TestComplete with Azure DevOps

January 9, 2023
In this series of 3 posts we're walking you through the process of integrating TestComplete with Azure DevOps. In this post we walk you through the end-to-end process. In the 2nd post we show you how to set up, configure and prepare all the different components. Then in the 3rd post we talk you through constructing your first pipeline and integrating your TestComplete automation run into your release. The overall process looks like this: The core aspects of this setup being: Our TestComplete project is stored in an ADO Git repo. We map our TestComplete Test Items to ADO Test Cases. Pipeline is configured to execute tests on an agent Test results are fed back to an ADO test run...