Test Management Blog

Manual Test Management – Planning

October 1, 2010
When it’s time to start planning your manual test efforts, being thorough in your preparation is the best way to ensure success. The most efficient way to begin developing your cases is to have your projects organized with test management planning tools such as Software Planner and TestComplete. These tools can help keep your tests organized, are easy to use, and require little in the way of maintenance. Once you’ve got your projects organized into separate automation and manual folders within the software’s library, you can start creating and executing your manual tests. The key to planning successful manual execution is to develop requirements that are descriptive enough to include enough information for testers and programmers. Such requirements leave out...

Automated Test Management – Planning

September 20, 2010
When implemented well, automated testing can save a significant amount of time and money. The key is to start your planning with something small, and with tests that offer a high return on investment. A good example of this is the smoke tests run by the team to check that the latest build meets a minimum standard. Assuming these automated smoke tests pass then the release can be accepted by the QA team. Since these types of tests need to be run frequently they make good candidates for automation and should be factored into your planning efforts. Building up a breadth of these smokes tests can then help you develop up a very effective regression suite. Planning the development of...