Automated Testing with Jenkins
5 free lessons to get you started with setting up Jenkins for automated testing
So you want to learn about automated testing with Jenkins?
I'm really hoping I can help you out.
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This is a short course I’ve put together to help testers and automation engineers use Jenkins in the real world.
5 video lessons based on the practical application of Jenkins.
Why Learn Jenkins?
Jenkins can make a massive difference to any test automation effort. Jenkins just let’s you put things on autopilot and deliver a repeatable and consistent process.
The problem is knowing where to start!
You could spend weeks learning all the core features available in Jenkins. You could work your way through the hundreds of different plugins.
All of this isn’t worth a lot unless you can apply Jenkins to resolve your test and QA specific issues.
You see that’s where most Jenkins courses fall down. Most Jenkins courses are orientated around the features and the dev/build process.
This short course is different!!!
Why is this course different?
This is about applying Jenkins in a test automation context. Specific lessons orientated towards solving the issues you really face.
It’s not learning Jenkins that’s difficult. It’s the “application" that’s difficult.
You can learn Jenkins inside out if you like. BUT this won’t necessarily show you how to resolve common test automation problems. You won’t understand how to apply Jenkins to solve your problems
You’ll learn faster and be more productive if you learn about HOW to apply Jenkins in a test automation context.
AND that’s what this course is about. This course is about HOW TO APPLY Jenkins.
This is why I’ve orientated this short course differently to other courses on Jenkins. It’s a course specifically designed for you – the tester.
What will I learn?
In this course you’ll learn
- Installing Jenkins and why Jenkins is so important for automated testing
- Checking Test System Environment Before Starting Your Tests
- Test Automation Execution based on App Version Updates
- Re-running A Failed Automated Test Automatically With Jenkins
- Running Data Driven Tests with the Matrix Project Plugin
Notice anything different about those topics to your usual Jenkins course?
Of course you do…. this is not a list of topics based on Jenkins features. It’s a list of modules focused on solving real life test and QA process issues.
Yes you’ll learn about Jenkins features in this course. But you learn in a more interesting and engaging way.
You’ll learn by APPLYING Jenkins.
APPLYING Jenkins to solve real world challenges. Practical APPLICATION.
That’s why you’ll get so much out of this course.
Sign up and get started over here ==>
Why did I write this course?
I spent a lot of time in my early testing days (years in fact) writing scripts that automated ‘this’ bit of the test process. Scripts that streamlined ‘that’ bit of the QA process. Scripts that delegated automated tests to different client machines. Scripts to capture test results. Scripts for this, that and the other.
The problem was this though…
Whatever I did either ended up as a pile of spaghetti. Or it just turned into this maintenance nightmare. I spent more time building the infrastructure than writing good automated tests. Damned inefficient!!!
Then I discovered Jenkins!
Why does Jenkins make such a difference?
I can honestly say discovering Jenkins was a turning point in my career. A turning point as a tester AND as a test automation engineer.
A turning point because Jenkins gave me two things:
- I could build the most advanced test execution and reporting systems with ease
- I could spend more time writing good, stable and effective automated tests
Jenkins just removed the pain of running everything. You can build this fantastic production line at very little cost and with very little effort.
Whatever implementation challenge I faced I discovered there was a feature or a plugin that solved the problem. A solution for every little task I envisaged.
I mean there’s a million (slight exaggeration) Jenkins plugins out there that will help you with even the most obscure automation task you need to complete.
The trouble is …..
Jenkins is like a rabbit hole on the surface. A small hole that leads to this massive rabbit warren under the ground. And once you start down this hole, it’s very easy to get lost. Very easy to get lost very quickly.
My first attempts at simple automation jobs resulted in some significant quick wins. Subsequent, slightly more complex, attempts resulted in hours of frustration.
Slowly but surely I came to see the power of using Jenkins. The power it gave me to just step back and put all the tedious tasks on auto pilot.
There’s SO MUCH to this tool.
If you’re starting out with Jenkins please let me walk you through 5 key exercises over 5 days.
What I can teach you..
1 – Getting setup – FAST!
2 – Using simple checks to validate test environments
3 – Triggering tests based on releases of your applications
4 – Re-running tests automatically if they fail due to stability issues
5 – Scaling up with distributed testing
All practical lessons that you can apply right away.
How much does this cost?
There’s no cost. No charge. No obligation.
I enjoy putting these short courses together.
Maybe you’ll ask us to come in and run an on-site training course at some point. Or maybe you’ll ask us for some mentoring in the future. Then again maybe you won’t 🙂
Either way is fine by us.
If you think you might get something out of this just register. ….
Register over here ==>
I promise you there won’t be any spam. I promise you there won’t be any sales pitch.
I might email you with new course details at some point. If you don’t want to know about these new courses…. just unsubscribe.
What I would ask though is this … if you get the chance please… provide some feedback.
If you can provide feedback then I can continue to improve courses for others.
Thank you
Bill Echlin
P.S. SMALL WARNING – not interested in signing up? Going to navigate away from this page?
… you’re going to see an annoying popup …SORRY.
Before you close it though….
…..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I ask you to provide some feedback?
Please just type a few words to let me know what you wanted.
I’d really appreciate it … THANK YOU
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